The Bénin International Medical Salon is an initiative of health professionals, the medical and paramedical benin and friends of Benin, to accompany the development of the sector in the country and in the sub-region.
With their experience, with national and international structures, with advanced and greeted skills these professionals working both in Europe and America but also in Africa and Benin, have decided to pool their networks to create BIMS.
The aim of the show is to bring together several players in the health sector over a few days: doctors, pharmaceutical laboratories, renowned manufacturers of medical devices, paramedical professionals to inform, échanger, share good practices and form, with a strong and lasting impact for the benefit of the actors themselves and the Beninese health platform and the sub-region.
For its first edition in 2019, BIMS in partnership with the PSSP (Platform for the Private Health Sector) brought together over 4 days, nearly 250 actors in the sector from the 15 ECOWAS countries, East Africa and the South, doctors, players in the medical device, paramedical professionals ... with a strong and lasting impact for the benefit of the Beninese health platform and the sub-region.